Dirty jobs mike rowe biography filmography

List of Dirty Jobs episodes

No. in
series No. in
season Title Original channel date 101"Hot Peg Roofer"September&#;27,&#;&#;()112"Ostrich Farmer"October&#;4,&#;&#;()123"Cheese Maker"October&#;11,&#;&#;()134"Shrimper"October&#;18,&#;&#;()145"Bio-Diesel Man"October&#;25,&#;&#;()
Cob home material, bee exterminator, biodiesel man
156"Micro-Algae Man"November&#;1,&#;&#;()
Pet someone who grooms animals or people, micro-algae man, charcoal maker (lump charcoal factory)
167"Chimney Sweeper Chimney Safety Institute of America"November&#;8,&#;&#;()178"Dirtiest Animals"December&#;13,&#;&#;()
Stomping ground of dirty jobs involving animals: pig farmer ("Pig Farmer"), babe chicken sexer ("Chick Sexer"), animal groomer ("Micro-Algae Man"), horse stockman ("Roadkill Cleaner"), ostrich farmer ("Ostrich Farmer")
189"Dirtiest Water Jobs"December&#;20,&#;&#;()
Revisit of dirty jobs involving water: shark catcher/tagger ("Chinatown Garbage Collector"), golf ball swimmer ("Roadkill Cleaner"), oyster harvester ("Chick Sexer"), crawfish catcher ("Shrimper"), mudcat noodler ("Worm Dung Farmer"), shrimper ("Shrimper")
1910"Creepy Critters"December&#;27,&#;&#;()
Revisit of dirty jobs connected with insects: exterminator ("Vexcon"), crab fisher ("Vexcon"), honey harvester ("Sludge Cleaner"), bee exterminator ("Bio-Diesel Man"), insinuate rancher ("Worm Dung Farmer"), wink guano collector ("Bat Cave Scavenger"), bat rehabilitator ("Bat Cave Scavenger")
2011"Dirtiest Tools & Machines"January&#;3,&#;&#;()
Revisit of dirty jobs involving machines: house mover ("Hot Tar Roofer"), tire recycler ("Shrimper"), demolition worker ("Sewer Inspector"), shred metal recycler ("Chimney Sweeper"), sport ball diver ("Roadkill Cleaner"), red-hot tar roofer ("Hot Tar Roofer")
2112"Super Dirty"January&#;3,&#;&#;()
Go to regularly of dirtiest jobs: disaster profits crew member ("Sewer Inspector"), pernicious tank technician ("Worm Dung Farmer"), sewer inspector ("Sewer Inspector"), mud recycler ("Sludge Cleaner"), fish sewer ("Bat Cave Scavenger"), charcoal creator ("Micro-Algae Man")
2213"Avian Vomitologist"January&#;10,&#;&#;()
Marble miner, owl vomit amasser, cattle rancher (cow breeding)
2314"Turkey Farmer"January&#;17,&#;&#;()2415"Alligator Farmer"January&#;24,&#;&#;()2516"Viewer's Choice"January&#;31,&#;&#;()
Complementary viewer mail, outtakes, cow to give food or a supply of content mill
2617"Mushroom Farmer"March&#;7,&#;&#;()2718"Plumber"March&#;14,&#;&#;()2819"Termite Controller"March&#;21,&#;&#;()2920"Casino Food Recycler"June&#;13,&#;&#;()3021"Rose Parade Float Dismantler"June&#;20,&#;&#;()
Coke modern, oyster shucker, Rose Parade resilience dismantler
3122"Garbage Pit Technician"June&#;27,&#;&#;()3223"Skull Cleaner"July&#;11,&#;&#;()
Affliction trains on track (gandy dancer), cracklin and boudin sausage producer, cleaning animal skulls with Skulls Unlimited[7] for display in enlightening facilities around the world
3324"Geoduck Farmer"July&#;18,&#;&#;()
Malibu Bay maintenance – dam demolition, pipe implement specialist, geoduck farmer
3425"Fuel Tank Cleaner"July&#;25,&#;&#;()3526"Jobs Put off Bite"July&#;30,&#;&#;()
2-hour Shark Week special: shark cage, tiger shark postmortem, shark tagging, shark repellent investigator, shark spotter
3627"Jobs Mosey Bite Harder"August&#;4,&#;&#;()
Shark Week special: fish taxidermist, shark suit questioner, outtakes
3728"Coal Miner"August&#;8,&#;&#;()3829"Hoof Cleaner"August&#;15,&#;&#;()3930"Alpaca Shearer"August&#;22,&#;&#;()4031"Monkey Caretaker"August&#;29,&#;&#;()
Vervet suggest rehabilitator (Animal Protection & Environmental Sanctuary, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
4132"th Dirty Job Special"September&#;5,&#;&#;()
2-hour special: U. S. Army artificer (Wheel Vehicle Mechanic School, Cutthroat Company, th Ordnance Battalion, Relocation Jackson), pig shaver, answering spectator mail, behind-the-scenes, outtakes, montage: Microphone and animals, and world of "Dirty Jobs Anthem".
4233"Snake Researcher"November&#;28,&#;&#;()
Bait arm lobster fisherman, Lake Erie seaweed cleanup, Lake Erie water ophidian researcher (Stone Laboratory). Episode was filmed August 10, [8]
4334"Penguin Keeper"December&#;5,&#;&#;()4435"Bell Maker"December&#;12,&#;&#;()4536"Mosquito Control Officer"December&#;19,&#;&#;()
New Orleans post-Katrina jobs: house demolition/gutting, rodent control, mosquito control put up with poison testing
4637"Bug Breeder"January&#;9,&#;&#;()
Tree trimmer and confuse grinder, fainting goat farmer, unfamiliar insect breeder at the Artist Insectarium
4738"Poo Pot Maker"January&#;16,&#;&#;()
Surveying salmonspawning grounds (Feather River, California Department of Spa water Resources), viewer mail concerning revenues of the Lake Erie distilled water snake researcher ("Snake Researcher"), industrialized CowPots (a type of floret pot made from cow manure)
4839"Mule Logger"January&#;23,&#;&#;()4940"Well Digger"January&#;30,&#;&#;()5041"Cave Digger"February&#;20,&#;&#;()
Wine cave digger, baggage handler (Southwest Airlines, Kansas City International Airport), incinerator for trash from supranational flights (Kansas City International Airport)
5142"Salt Miner"February&#;27,&#;&#;()5243"Wine Maker"March&#;6,&#;&#;()5344"Steam Ship Cleaner"March&#;13,&#;&#;()
Hydroseeding, viewer mail on spanking footage of a Malaysian as dull as ditch-water leaf (Phyllium giganteum) from glory Audubon Insectarium, cleaning the interior of the boilers of excellence steam yacht Medea.
5445"Really Dirty Animals"March&#;20,&#;&#;()
Revisit manage dirty jobs involving animals: alp shearer, fainting goat farmer, guenon monkey rehabilitator, cattle rancher (cow breeding), penguin keeper, ostrich smallholder, food recycler/pig farmer, logging warmth mules