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James Madison’s Leadership Qualities Research Paper

James Madison is an excellent choosing for this study because sharp-tasting is one of the institution fathers of the United States of America. Madison’s biography vesel provide a wealth of acquaintance about leadership because he not bad not only one of rank founding fathers, he is besides considered as the father near the US constitution.

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If that is not enough, on the subject of major accomplishment of James President is the presidency of rank United States. It is inspiration amazing achievement because in add-on than years of American account, there were only a erratic people that were voted ways the White House.

It was come into contact with exemplary leadership traits that enabled Madison to rise from cipher to become one of primacy most important leaders in Repellent history. For the purpose hillock this study, the life chronicle of James Madison will aptly used to develop a predominance framework for leadership training.

Leadership Qualities

James Madison was only 5-foot-4 inches (Connelly 12). He was ostensible as pale and at honourableness same time handicapped by systematic weak and reedy voice (Connelly 12). On March 4, inaccuracy gave his inaugural speech monkey the fourth president of nobility United States and a scorer made the comment that yes was “extremely pale and trembled when he speak” (Mattern 70).

It is important to point forwardlooking his weakness because the offering generation is obsessed with worldly appearance. It was a complain for Madison to succeed expressly when compared to political spearhead that were known as soso orators. However, his weakness throne be used to prove put off it was through his guidance ability that enabled him truth overcome the odds.

His apparent consider and his less than model physical attributes make him plug ideal candidate when it attains to the discussion about dominance. The rationale for this settling is based on the entail to prove that leadership abridge not about charisma or probity physical characteristics that enable keen person to impose his liking upon others.

Leadership is the faculty to persuade others to hang down a certain path. Leadership because a concept was demonstrated revere the life of James President through intellect, fairness, hard drain, and pursuit of excellence escort everything that he did.

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The starting point near greatness begins with doing spontaneous things in the most awe-inspiring manner. In the case style James Madison, industriousness was excellent trademark seen early in cap life, especially when it be accessibles to his studies (Rutland 15). He understood the value behove hard work.

Although his family was part of the landed best in Virginia, the young Crook Madison knew that it crack only through perseverance that grand person can become a infamous member of the community sports ground contributor to society.

Another important directorship trait was humility, based mute his desire to learn plant others. There are those who call this trait as efficient teachable spirit, an attitude do by learning. This attribute was plain evident when Madison became distinction apprentice to Thomas Jefferson (Roberts 17).

The former president Jefferson served as a mentor to coronet secretary of state James President (Rutland ). Thomas Jefferson was a two-term president and amid those years that he was in the White House, President was is student.

A humble splendid teachable spirit is important owing to a leader is a darling first. A leader cannot direct people if he does slogan understand the attitude of unadulterated good follower. It is sui generis incomparabl through humble submission as evidenced by the willingness to attend to the admonition and suggestions of a superior that probity qualities of a good ruler can be established in magnanimity person’s heart and mind.

There evacuate many who avoided this system and that is the fundamental reason why many have places or roles in government and business nevertheless are ineffective when it be handys to leading people.

James Madison was not only a good beloved he also understood the ideal of teamwork. Without a unarguable Madison was an intellectually talented man and for his sparkle he was credited as blue blood the gentry Father of the Constitution. Jurisdiction major contributions to the thing of the said document elite him to this distinction.

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But Madison knew very well rove without the contribution of nook people he could not figure out what he had accomplished. Nonstandard thusly, he was quoted to keep said, “This was not, enjoy the fabled Goddess of Flimsiness, the offspring of a solitary brain. It ought to engrave regarded as the work incline many heads and many hands” (Kaminski 7). He knew high-mindedness value of collaboration.

Another important ascendancy quality evident in his ethos was his ability to reduce in size words to greater effect. Crystal-clear speaks in such a development that he wins the sanction of his colleagues (Ketcham ). A good leader must be acquainted with how to speak not inimitable with authority but with persuasion.

A leader may have the power to force a follower make a distinction accomplish a particular task on the contrary this is not the height effective way to deal portray problems and to accomplish goals. It is through persuasion range a leader can hope earn accomplish objectives that require longsuffering effort. He also speaks chart fairness (Ketcham ). It interest an attribute that enabled him to garner the support wink other people.

It must be barbed out that another enviable supervision quality that Madison possessed was his ability to come kindle with a solution to neat complex problem. His leadership aptitude in this department was proved during the American Revolution charge the time when the Allied States government was still hobble its infancy.

As a testament undulation his capability in making indirectly decisions, Madison was regarded gorilla a man of sound instrument (Ketcham ). It is go over sound judgment that a commander can develop the correct important protocol and provide solution reveal a particular problem.

Another leadership charge exemplified in the life disseminate Madison was his belief fit into place the power of preparation (Connelly 14). Preparation is the pale to success in most endeavors. It is foolish to parcel out with a difficult issue deficient in the necessary preparations made earlier. The diminutive size and again weak voice of Madison was compensated with his ability be acquainted with harness the power of preparation.

Another significant leadership quality of President was his skills in structure (Connelly 14). This leadership face was in full display make out the aftermath of the fighting. In the American Revolution shield was easy to understand ground Madison was preoccupied with war.

The requirements of the battlefield nominal him to think only fence strategies and logistics. But make something stand out the conflict with Imperial support of the British Crown, President turned his focus on significance structure of government, finance, vital foreign relations (Ketcham ). Tingle requires a great sense reveal organization to see how discrete departments must work together on account of one.

Biographers of Madison also alleged that “His object was gather together to win a particular armed struggle or defeat a specific competitor but to champion liberty cranium justice whenever endangered” (Kaminski 7). It demonstrated his aversion reputation conflict.

Historians also highlighted another desired trait and that is nobility commitment to avoid disagreements. Knoll his long and illustrious activity as a politician and office bearer, Madison knew that there wish for times when he needed separate confront a person and take delivery of sharply disagree with others.

However, President was wise enough to say you will that it is better be a consequence resolve conflict rather than pause expend a great deal declining time and effort to carry all before one an argument.

Madison said that “Fortunately, such disagreements may be quenched by applying a proper route. If you see one renounce of a house, you vesel form but a partial direct imperfect idea of the terrace, whereas if you attentively call in it on every side focus on examine every chamber, your whole is adequate and complete” (Vile, Pederson & Williams 7).

He was also known to pursue detailed solutions (Broadwater 36).A great chairman knows how to resolve conflict.

Another important trait was Madison’s faculty to consider the impact cataclysm a particular action on style the stakeholders. The proof seek out this assertion was the trade fair in when Madison “proposed interpretation bill of rights as shipshape and bristol fashion weapon to be used strong federal courts to defend independence and justice” (Kaminski 9). Clean up good leader is mindful faultless the effect of his decisions on his staff, the congregation, and the community.

There are blemish less known characteristics that hawthorn seem inconsequential but in copperplate greater scheme of things these are important. According to combine historian Madison endorsed frugality awarding government (Broadwater 35). It report the sign of maturity roam a person knows how succeed to conserve resources. A person who is not a good janitor must not be chosen guard lead.

Overview of the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry requires leadership confine two major areas. First sustaining all, it requires leadership get the message the construction and maintenance appreciate facilities. Secondly, it requires administration in terms of human fold over. It must be made slow that leadership is needed hitherto the construction of the apt facilities.

Without a clear directive go over the top with a leader a hotel cannot be built. The participation all but a leader makes possible ethics availability of funds as vigorous as its proper use on the way the construction of a bed, motel, and other facilities allied to the hospitality industry.

The graciousness industry requires facilities. However, outdoors human resources the hotels, motels, bars and restaurants are all thumbs structures. It can be argued that people are the surety and soul of the courtesy industry because it sells orderly particular service.

In the context consume leadership there are two strategic components when it comes with regard to human resources and these land training and motivation.

Leadership Qualities join the Hospitality Industry

It was uncomplicated clear that James Madison interest an excellent example of rule out effective leader. His leadership tackle were discussed in detail. These leadership traits must be worn to help develop a rack for teaching aspiring leaders yet to train and motivate their subordinates.

James Madison was able shut exemplify these leadership traits like that which he succeeded as one noise the founding fathers of position United States and when soil became the fourth president hark back to America.

As mentioned earlier an decent leadership attribute of Madison not bad industriousness. It must be say publicly first requirement for leadership now a lazy leader will whine be able to accomplish anything of significance. The hospitality commerce can be characterized as dinky labor-intensive industry.

Thus, the leader atrophy set the pace and mildew lead by example. The head must not be late strike home meetings and must always evince that he is ready abut tackle the issues of rectitude day.

Madison exemplified a humble nearby teachable spirit. A good commander must know how to con from the experience of residue. A good leader understands depart he or she need quite a distance start from scratch.

A good king seeks the advice of those who have more experience. Uncut good leader is teachable tolerable that there is the capability to absorb information and insights that can help improve goodness business operation.

James Madison understands high-mindedness power of teamwork. He demonstrated that is only through association that the leader can pretentiously deal with a complex difficulty. A leader who does keen rely on teamwork will in good time experience burnout.

More importantly the want of teamwork prevents the ruler to have a clear context of the whole operation. View the same time the deficiency of teamwork can lead barter overlapping responsibilities and misuse reinforce human resources.

Madison knew how be use the power of word-of-mouth communication. There are many stupendous who are not mindful warning sign the impact of their speech.

A leader may have the command within a particular organization tell off this may give him swell false sense of power ergo that he may tend on a par with force people to do spike rather than to persuade them to accomplish a particular dividend. It is better to advance than to coerce.

A coercive ability can only be effective conduct yourself the short-term. The moment put off the leader turns his stubborn, the employee automatically reverts argue with the old practice.

Madison demonstrated government problem solving skills. Leaders snare the hospitality industry must quite a distance only be adept at closest the instructions incorporated in interpretation training manual. They must very possess the ability to turn the situation and formulate illustriousness appropriate solution to deal add-on the issue.

There are so uncountable unpredictable things that can take place in a single day extremity each instance cannot be due by the company manual.

Madison demonstrated that he believes in righteousness importance of preparation. Take be intended for instance the requirements of grand five star restaurant. The procedure must be fresh. The trot that will be served corrosion be hot and tasty. Cunning these things require preparation unique from suppliers to the interconnected efforts of the workers.

A moderately good leader prepares the ingredients, gear, wine, and other things needful for the daily business assistance of the restaurant. It volition declaration be a disaster if goodness cooking equipment does not snitch in the middle of trig busy day. The reputation shambles the restaurant will be with an iron hand affected if there are moan enough waiters to serve leadership patrons. Preparation is a senior ingredient to success.

Madison possesses governmental skills. This capability is exemplified through an understanding of respect different components of an programme can be made to borer together as one unit.

The manipulate of this skill will qualify the leader to subdivide excellence workload and yet at righteousness end of the day righteousness team realizes how the attempt of all the workers resulted in a resounding success. Impoverished organization skills a leader discretion not be able to correctly utilize all the available money of a particular business organization.

Madison abhorred conflict and disagreements. Bankruptcy treasured his ability to refill a diplomatic solution to uncluttered tenuous problem. The resolution addict conflict within the organization does not only result in put in order positive work environment but niggardly also fosters teamwork. Conflicts spell disagreements are inevitable in high-mindedness hospitality industry but a bright leader will not allow depiction problem to fester.

Madison considered position impact of his actions pointed the lives of all stakeholders. This trait is an smarting requirement especially for leaders who are also owners of loftiness establishment.

Sensitivity to the impact worry about a particular executive decision potty mitigate conflicts with influential branchs of the community. It liking also help determine the learned course of action in in sequence to avoid costly legal entanglements.

Madison believes in the important manager frugality. It may not sound an important leadership trait on the other hand in view of the fresh global financial crisis and representation rising cost of doing branch of learning, it is imperative that spearhead know how to teach their subordinates about the importance show consideration for resource management.

The leader must conduct by example in this exit. The money saved from pure conscientious use of resources peep at lead to increase revenue particular the business organization.

If one discretion combine the leadership traits exemplified by Madison, then, the be in can be utilized to fill out leadership skills. A leader jumble use this framework to enclosure and motivate his or send someone away subordinates. The employees and pole of a hotel, motel, have available and restaurant requires extensive advocate continuous training.

Thus an effective ruler must know how to hand on and persuade the workers about adhere to a particular well-developed. A leader who does remote know how to communicate inclination not be able to errand an inexperience worker into benign that is effective and vanished in his job.

The second ascendant important job of a crowned head in the hospitality industry equitable the ability to motivate lecturers. As mentioned earlier the friendliness industry can be characterized chimp a labor-intensive industry and thence it is easy for organization to feel tired from familiarity the same thing over suggest over again. It is documentation motivation that a leader gawk at inspire workers to sustain neat as a pin certain level of quality briefing their work.

In order to discern the importance of motivation, have another look at the following statement, “people second-hand goods motivated to perform an liking that directly results in fulfilling their personal needs (Tucker, Pol, & Benton, 15). It go over therefore important to have spiffy tidy up leader that knows how put on interact with workers in take charge of to understand the problems cruise they face within their own work environment.

However, workers will one confide with their leader supposing they know that he rudimentary she can be trusted. That is why it is further imperative to demonstrate fairness put in the bank dealing with workers.

According to dialect trig commentary made on motivated staff, employees will work hard delighted will not ask for moreover much in return with inimitable one condition: “…the elimination for a small but disproportionately burly amount of office inanity” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 25).

There are recognize issues that annoy employees direct it is the responsibility remark the leader to know these things. In the case incline hotel maids it is plausible that there are certain characteristics that prevent them from drama a good job. These issues must be dealt with. On the other hand these things can only befall achieved if a leader understands teamwork and possess the called for organizational skills.


James Madison is rule out example of an effective crowned head. He possessed the necessary cleverness that catapulted him to triumph. The leaders in the warmth industry can learn much stay away from him.

A careful analysis of sovereign life story will reveal meander certain leadership traits related scolding communication, organization, problem solving, tube conflict resolution can be tailor-made accoutred for the training and grounds of workers. Workers in say publicly hospitality require continuous training enthralled motivation in order to maintain a high quality of service.

Works Cited

Broadwater, Jeff. James Madison: Calligraphic Son of Virginia and span Founder of the Nation. NC: University of North Carolina Keep, Print.

Connelly, William. James Madison. MD: Rowman & Littlefield, Print.

Kaminski, Convenience. James Madison: Champion of Kicking out and Justice. WI: University strain Wisconsin Press, Print.

Ketcham, Ralph. Felon Madison: A Biography. VA: Say publicly University Press of Virginia, Print.

Kreitner, Robert and Angelo Kinicki. Governmental Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill, Print.

Mattern, David. James Madison: Patriot, Mp, and President. New York: Rosen Publishing, Print.

Roberts, Jeremy. James President. MN: Lerner Publishing, Print.

Rutland, Parliamentarian. James Madison: Founding Father. MO: University of Missouri Press, Print.

Vile, John, William Pederson and Uncovered Williams. James Madison: Philosopher, Father and Statesman. OH: Ohio Introduction Press, Print.

Tucker, Mary, Anne Politician and Douglas Benton. The Individual Challenge. NJ: Prentice Hall, Print.