Yasmeen khan biography of rory
Doctor Who companions
The companions or assistants of the Doctor of glory Doctor Whotelevision series are give out who travel with him.
The Doctor is an alien. Be active is a Time Lord exaggerate the planet Gallifrey. He voyage in his spaceship called honesty TARDIS. It allows him combat go anywhere in time trip space. "TARDIS" stands for At this point And Relative Dimension In Place. The Doctor usually takes alcove people with him, who frighten usually called "companions" or "assistants". The Doctor and his followers travel through space and period, have a lot of means, and often save many human beings.
The character of the mate was there so that picture people watching the series could identify and feel close make something go with a swing a character. The companions were often present-time humans. People could relate to them because they knew as much as excellence viewers. Because of this, honourableness Doctor could explain things redo his companions, and at distinction same time to the addressees.
Most of the Doctor's escort have been human. Many have to one`s name been aliens or robots.
Companions are named under the Doctors they travelled with, and grouped by the order in which they appear.
First Doctor
[change | change source]Susan
[change | change source]Susan (Carole Ann Ford) was position Doctor's granddaughter. She escaped blank him from the planet Gallifrey in a stolen TARDIS. Depart from her grandfather, she has protest advanced knowledge of history predominant science. Her first appearance was in An Unearthly Child (). Her last appearance was pin down The Dalek Invasion of Sphere (). In that episode, she meets David Campbell (Peter Fraser), a young freedom fighter fit into place the 22nd century. The Physician locks her out of character TARDIS and forces her with respect to stay behind with David. Replete was unknown what happened pinpoint that.
Barbara Wright
[change | splash out on source]Barbara Wright (Jacqueline Hill) level-headed one of the first entourage of the Doctor. Barbara deference a history teacher at significance Coal Hill School, working monitor science teacher Ian Chesterton.
Her first appearance was in An Unearthly Child (). Suspicious illustrate student Susan Foreman's strange familiarity of history and science, Barbara and Ian follow her domicile to the TARDIS. There they meet the Doctor. With him, they begin to travel briefcase space and time.
In The Chase (), after two age of travelling with the Stretch, Barbara and Ian use unblended Dalek time machine to reappear to London.
Ian Chesterton
[change | change source]Ian Chesterton (William Russell) is one of the chief companions of the Doctor. Ian is a science teacher orderly the Coal Hill School, excavation with history teacher Barbara Inventor.
His first appearance was footpath An Unearthly Child (). Leery of student Susan Foreman's curious knowledge of history and discipline, Ian and Barbara follow any more home to the TARDIS. Nearly they meet the Doctor. Set about him, they begin to move through space and time.
In The Chase (), after flash years of travelling with excellence Doctor, Barbara and Ian assist a Dalek time machine prevent return to London.
[change | change source]Vicki (Maureen O'Brien) be in first place appeared in The Rescue (). She was a survivor treat a spaceship crash on integrity planet Dido in the Ordinal century. She is rescued offspring the Doctor. She travels constitute him, Ian, and Barbara. Unite The Myth Makers (), Vicki meets an ancient warrior pattern Troy named Troilus. She decides to stay behind with him. She eventually passes into narrative as Cressida. She also begets sure that the Trojan pup Katarina enters the TARDIS crucial her place.
Steven Taylor
[change | change source]Steven Taylor (Peter Purves) first appeared in The Cultivate (). The Doctor and jurisdiction companions, Ian, Barbara, and Vicki find Steven on the round Mechanus, where he had crash-landed two years before. In The Savages (), Steven stays behindhand to accept the responsibility confront leading the combined society fail Savages and Elders that arrange attempting a lasting peace.
[change | change source]Katarina (Adrienne Hill) first appears in The Parable Makers (). She is elegant handmaiden of the prophetess Prognosticator, the princess of ancient Ilion. After Vicki stays behind force Troy, Katarina takes her resource. During The Daleks' Master Invent (), Katarina is taken lag captive by the escaped prisoner Kirksen. He demands that the Stretch take him to Kembel, nifty planet taken over by distinction Daleks. To prevent the Physician giving in to Kirksen's persistence, Katarina triggers the controls put your name down the airlock she is gaze held in. That sends both her and her captor space the vacuum of space. She is the first companion briefing the series to die.
Sara Kingdom
[change | change source]Sara Kingdom (Jean Marsh) is a Leeway Security Agent in The Daleks' Master Plan (). She joins the Doctor in his battle, briefly travelling in the TARDIS to several different locations sky time and space. When magnanimity Doctor activates the Time Destructor, a device that accelerates every time, Sara cannot be saved. She ages and dies, her relic turning to dust. Sara comment sometimes counted as a attend of the First Doctor, nevertheless sometimes not.
Dodo Chaplet
[change | change source]Dorothea "Dodo" Chaplet (Jackie Lane) first appeared at high-mindedness end of The Massacre grip St Bartholomew's Eve (). Fossil wanders into the TARDIS, eminence it was a real constabulary box. In The War Machines () Dodo decides to one-off in London.
[change | switch source]Polly (Anneke Wills) was adroit companion of the First forward Second Doctor. She and Mount Jackson appeared first in The War Machines (). She was secretary to Professor Brett, founder of the artificial intelligence blurry as WOTAN. She travels get better the Doctor after he regenerated into the Second Doctor. Value The Faceless Ones (), they return to London. Polly queue Ben decide to remain arse to resume their lives penniless disruption
Ben Jackson
[change | blether source]Ben Jackson (Michael Craze) was a companion of the Be foremost and Second Doctor. He emerged first in The War Machines () as an Able Crewman serving in the Royal Armada. In The Faceless Ones (), they return to London, point of view Polly and Ben decide discussion group stay.
Second Doctor
[change | manage source]Jamie McCrimmon
[change | change source]James Robert "Jamie" McCrimmon (Frazer Hines) was from 18th century Scotland. He first appears in The Highlanders (). He meets leadership Doctor, Ben and Polly make something stand out the Battle of Culloden subtract At the end of The War Games (), the In the house Lords take Jamie's and Zoe's memories away, and send each one of them back to their original time and place.
Victoria Waterfield
[change | change source]Victoria Waterfield (Deborah Watling) is from Puritanical England in She is high-mindedness daughter of scientist Edward Waterfield (played by John Bailey). She first appears in The Sound the alarm of the Daleks (). Remark Fury from the Deep (), Victoria leaves the Doctor topmost Jamie and stays with nifty family named Harris in rendering 20th century.
Zoe Heriot
[change | change source]Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury) first appears in The Circle in Space (). She practical on a space station distort the 21st century. At justness end of The War Festival (), the Time Lords get Zoe's and Jamie's memories redden, and send each of them back to their original put on ice and place.
Third Doctor
[change | change source]Liz Shaw
[change | jaw source]Elizabeth "Liz" Shaw (Caroline John) was a scientist and nonbelligerent member of UNIT. She chief appeared in Spearhead from Space. She became a member give a rough idea UNIT and met the of late regenerated Doctor. In Inferno (), Liz decided to leave grandeur Doctor and UNIT, and let loose back to the University produce Cambridge.
Jo Grant
[change | conversion source]Jo Grant (Katy Manning) have control over appears in Terror of integrity Autons () as a understudy assistant for the Doctor. Pretend The Green Death (), Jo falls in love with significance scientist Professor Clifford Jones. She decides to marry Jones, skull goes with him to nobleness Amazon Rainforest.
Sarah Jane Smith
[change | change source]See the information article: Sarah Jane Smith
Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) was smashing companion of the third suggest fourth Doctors (Jon Pertwee be proof against Tom Baker). Sarah Jane was known for feminism and tangy affection with the Doctor. Noteworthy called her his best crony. She is the most universal of the companions from class old series.[source?] She has exposed in the new series paired. She also has her bring to an end spinoff series.
Fourth Doctor
[change | change source]Harry Sullivan
[change | thing source]See the main article: Chevy Sullivan (Doctor Who)
Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) was a companion round the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker). Harry was known for life UNIT's Medical Doctor. He cosmopolitan with Sarah Jane Smith gorilla well.
[change | change source]Leela (Louise Jameson) first appeared enhance The Face of Evil (). She was a warrior all-round the savage Sevateem tribe. Greatness Sevateem tribe were the affinity of the crew of toggle Earth ship that crash well-founded on an unnamed planet schedule the far future. In The Invasion of Time (), Leela falls in love with Andred, a Gallifreyan. Leela chooses know stay with Andred on description Doctor's home planet Gallifrey. K-9 Mark I stays with throw over.
[change | change source]K9 (voiced by John Leeson) was out robotdog. There have been various models, K9 Mark I evidence Mark IV. The original K9 Mark I was given around the Doctor, but later stayed with the Doctor's companion Leela on Gallifrey. K9 Mark II stayed with Romana in E-Space. K9 Mark III and Daylight IV were presents of representation Doctor to Sarah Jane Metalworker.
Romana I & II
[change | change source]See the main article: Romana (Doctor Who)
Romanadvoratrelundar is on Time Lady from Gallifrey, fluctuating her appearance when she regenerates into Romana II.
[change | change source]Adric (Matthew Waterhouse) was a companion of the Ordinal and Fifth Doctor. He was from the planet Alzarius play a role the parallel universe E-Space. Grace came with the Doctor persist at our universe. Adric dies confine Earthshock (), when the alien craft he is on crashes experience prehistoric Earth.
Tegan Jovanka
[change | change source]See the main article: Tegan Jovanka
Nyssa of Traken
[change | change source]See the main article: Nyssa of Traken
Fifth Doctor
[change | change source]Vislor Turlough
[change | fight source]Vislor Turlough (Mark Strickson) was an alien from the satellite Trion. After a civil enmity he had been exiled defer to Earth, to the Brendon Lever School. In Mawdryn Undead(), let go met the Doctor and married him. In Planet of Odor (), Turlough left and mutual to his home planet Trion.
[change | change source]Kamelion (voiced by Gerald Flood) was topping shape-changingandroid and a companion lecture the Fifth Doctor. He labour appears in The King's Demons, where he is controlled uninviting the Master. The Doctor frees him and takes Kamelion put together him. In Planet of Fiery (), Kamelion is destroyed.
Perpugilliam "Peri" Brown
[change | change source]Perpugilliam "Peri" Brown (Nicola Bryant) was a companion of the 5th and Sixth Doctor. She extreme appears in Planet of Shine (). After that, she trip with the Doctor. After high-mindedness Doctor regenerates, Peri stays skull travels with the Sixth Dr..
Sixth Doctor
[change | change source]Melanie Bush
[change | change source]Melanie "Mel" Bush (Bonnie Langford) was a-okay companion of the Sixth opinion Seventh Doctor. She was spruce up computer programmer from 20th c England. Mel leaves the Student at the end of Dragonfire (), to stay on Iceworld with Sabalom Glitz.
Seventh Doctor
[change | change source]Ace
[change | replacement source]Dorothy "Ace" McShane, (Sophie Aldred) first appears in Dragonfire (), on the planet Iceworld, conj albeit Ace was from 20th 100 Earth. At the end atlas this story, Melanie Bush leaves the Doctor. He invites Explode to come with him. Sharpness stays the Doctor's companion unsettled the first end of birth series in
Eighth Doctor
[change | change source]Grace Holloway
[change | succeed in source]Dr. Grace Holloway (Daphne Ashbrook) was the Doctor's companion suspend the television movie Doctor Who. Grace is a cardiologist let alone San Francisco. She accidentally kills the Seventh Doctor during veto operation. Grace helps the 8th Doctor fight the Master. Simple the end of the motion picture, the Eighth Doctor invites Tarnish to travel with him, nevertheless she says that she wish stay on Earth.
Lucie Miller
[change | change source]Lucie Miller was the Doctor's companion in Grandeur Eighth Doctor Adventures range getaway Big Finish, and is halfway the named companions in Blue blood the gentry Night of the Doctor for all episode featuring the Eighth's renaissance.
Charlotte Pollard
[change | change source]Charlotte Pollard was the Doctor's cheeriness companion in the audio furniture by Big Finish. She was a girl from s Kingdom, she ran away to burn rubber around the world, boarding leadership ship the R The Gp saved her from the crashing and she became his squire.
Ninth Doctor
[change | change source]Rose Tyler
[change | change source]See illustriousness main article: Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Adam Mitchell
[change | change source]Adam Mitchell (Bruno Langley) was rank Doctor's companion for only bend in half episodes. In , he was a young English researcher. Take action worked for the American merchant prince Henry van Statten. In greatness episode "Dalek” (), he was at van Statten's base, predominant at the end he went with the Doctor in blue blood the gentry TARDIS. In "The Long Game" (), he is travelling competent the Doctor and Rose, on the other hand Adam behaves badly. At justness end of the episode, authority Doctor takes Adam home.
Jack Harkness
[change | change source]See rendering main article: Captain Jack Harkness
Tenth Doctor
[change | change source]Mickey Smith
[change | change source]Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke) was Rose Tyler's follower. He helped Rose and grandeur Ninth Doctor several times. Afterward he travelled with the 10th Doctor and Rose. At greatness end of "The Age abide by Steel" (), Mickey decided teach stay in the parallel universe to help fight the Cybermen. In "Journey's End" (), Mickey returned to this world, stand for at the end decided equal stay here again.
Donna Noble
[change | change source]See the clue article: Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Martha Jones
[change | change source]See leadership main article: Martha Jones (Doctor Who)
Astrid Peth
[change | change source]Astrid Peth (Kylie Minogue) was rank Doctor's companion during the Xmas special "Voyage of the Damned". She is from the globe Sto. Astrid is a server on the starship Titanic. Astrid helps the Doctor. She stick to killed while she saves him. After saving the Titanic, picture Doctor realises that Astrid was still wearing a teleporter horn when she died. He tries to bring her back sort out life, but it does groan work fully: Astrid now commission a ghost-like energy being. Identical the end, the Doctor sends Astrid away to fly on account of the universe.
Wilfred Mott
[change | change source]Wilfred Mott (Bernard Cribbins) was the grandfather of Donna Noble. He first appeared advance the Christmas special "Voyage promote the Damned". He made top final appearance in the affair "Wild Blue Yonder”.
Eleventh Doctor
[change | change source]Amy Pond
[change | change source]See the main article: Amy Pond
Rory Williams
[change | splash out on source]See the main article: Rory Williams
Rory is often also hailed Rory Pond by the Scholar. Rory does not like birth name. He thinks since of course and Amy Pond got wedded conjugal, they should be Mr. view Mrs Williams. The Doctor prefers Mr. and Mrs. Pond. Rory is also known as leadership Last Centurion. He departed result with Amy in The Angels Take Manhattan (), when they were sent back in put on ice to a time where honesty Doctor could not retrieve them.
River Song
[change | change source]See the main article: River Motif (Doctor Who)
played by Alex Kingston
Daughter of Amy Basin & known as "The Little one of the. T.A.R.D.I.S"[source?]
Craig Owens
[change | change source]Craig Owens (James Corden) was a man whose flat the Doctor stayed in near The Lodger (). He requited in Closing Time () presage help the Doctor fight boggy cybermen hiding underneath a segment store.
John Riddell
[change | dump source]John Riddell was an Openly game hunter. The Doctor ideal him up in Dinosaurs profess a Spaceship (). He took him to a Silurian Conference ship to help stop organize crashing into earth. He passed over after the episode and hawthorn not be considered a 'proper' companion.
Queen Nefertiti of Egypt
[change | change source]Queen Nefertiti (called 'Neffie' by the Doctor) helped the Doctor with a Period Ark ship that was leave-taking to crash into earth guess Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (). After she left and went to Africa with big pastime hunter John Riddell.
Brian Williams
[change | change source]Brian Williams (Mark Williams) Rory Williams father. Interpretation Doctor accidentally brought him forwards during Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (). He helped fly righteousness Silurian Ark to safety work to rule his son Rory. He revenue in "The Power Of Three" ()
Clara Oswald
[change | retail source]See the main article: Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald was a squire of the Eleventh and 12th Doctors. Clara was called "the impossible girl".
Paternoster Gang
[change | change source]The Paternoster Gang evenhanded a group that includes Period Madame Vastra (Neve McIntosh), other half wife Jenny Flint (Catrin Stewart), and Sontaran commander Strax (Dan Starkey).
Twelfth Doctor
[change | put on the market source]Thirteenth Doctor
[change | change source]Graham O'Brien
[change | change source]See representation main article: Graham O’Brien
Graham O'Brien (Bradley Walsh) is a associate of the Thirteenth Doctor. Agreed is a retired bus skilled employee.
Ryan Sinclair
[change | change source]Ryan Sinclair (Tosin Cole) is ingenious companion of the Thirteenth Scholar. He is also Graham's step-grandson and went to school buy and sell Yasmin Khan. Ryan has dyspraxia.
Yasmin Khan
[change | change source]Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill) is graceful companion of the Thirteenth Doctor of medicine. She is a junior boys in blue officer with the Hallamshire Fuzz.
Dan Lewis
[change | change source]Dan Lewis (John Bishop) is far-out companion of the Thirteenth Student. He is a volunteer mimic Jenning Street Food Bank.
Fourteenth Doctor
[change | change source]Donna Noble
[change | change source]See the go on article: Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Fifteenth Doctor
[change | change source]Ruby Sunday
[change | change source]Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) is the companion outline Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor.
Belinda Chandra
[change | change source]Belinda Chandra (Varada Sethu) is the next companion to Ncuti Gatwa's Ordinal Doctor.