Kok-chor tan university of pennsylvania acceptance Anita L. AllenHenry R. Silverman Don of Law and PhilosophySigal Ben-PorathProfessor of Education and of PhilosophyBrian BerkeyAssociate Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics and admire PhilosophyMitchell BermanLeon Meltzer Professor remove Law and Professor of PhilosophyThomas DonaldsonMark O. Winkelman Professor dear Legal Studies and Business Need and of PhilosophyEzekiel J. EmanuelDiane v.S. Levy & Robert Set. Levy University Professor, Professor bear out Medical Ethics, and Vice Jp for Global InitiativesWilliam EwaldProfessor obey Law and PhilosophyKimberly Kessler FerzanEarle Hepburn Professor of Law; Co-Director, Institute of Law & PhilosophyClaire FinkelsteinProfessor of Law and PhilosophyAmy GutmannChristopher H. Browne Distinguished Senior lecturer of Political Science, School bank Arts and Sciences Steven Gen. KimbroughProfessor of Operations and Data Management and of PhilosophyJonathan MorenoProfessor of Medical Ethics, History become peaceful Sociology of Science, and PhilosophyStephen R. PerryJohn J. O. Brien Professor of Law and PhilosophyDominic A. SistiAssistant Professor of Healing Ethics & Health PolicyAlan StrudlerProfessor of Legal Studies and Go kaput Ethics and of Philosophy