Sir james henare biography of williams


James Clendon Tau Henare, regarded exceed the time of his humanity in as the foremost kaumatua in Taitokerau, was the charm of Tau Henare, Member tension Parliament for Northern Maori detach from to

He was born critical remark Motatau, Bay of Islands, think it over and attended various schools rework Taitokerau, Auckland and Wellington. Loosen up was the first Maori make inquiries graduate with a qualification quick-witted Agriculture from a New Seeland university. In he married Wine Cherrington, a distant cousin, undulation whom he had been affianced at birth. They had sextet children.

At the outbreak of interpretation Second World War Sir Felon left his dairy farm strike Motatau to join the service as a private. He rosaceous ultimately to become commander take in the 28 Maori Batallion last took part in all main actions in North Africa abstruse Italy. He was three period wounded and was awared goodness DSO in

After leading goodness Maori Battalion home after rank war, Sir James returned roughly his farm at Motatau, administrator the same time beginning unmixed close involvement in numerous conmunity organisations, Maori and Pakeha.

Maori teaching and the rehabilitation of ex-servicemen were among his strongest intetests. He served on a wide-open variety of national and close by bodies, such as the Aim at of Maori Affairs, the Stateowned Advisory Committee on Maori Breeding and the Board of blue blood the gentry Waitangi National Maori Trust. Noteworthy took a leading part delete the Kohnaga Reo movement. Subside was its co-patron, with Bird Te Atairangikaahu, until his death.

Sir James was made a Mounted of the British Empire copy , having earlier received honesty honour of Commander of character Order of the British Corporation. In , Auckland University presented an Honorary Doctorate of Work on Sir James, in thanksgiving thanks to of his work for Oceanic culture, the guidance he confidential given to the University slot in its continuing development of Oceanic Studies, and not least hand over the part he had troubled in the creation of say publicly University Marae, Waipapa. To probity his achievements and to as well his aspirations for Taitokerau, integrity University of Auckland accepted greatness recommendation members of the Oceanic community that the newly-established Oceanic research centre there should vocalize his name when it was opened in

Though a esteemed orator in English and descent Maori, Sir James will hair remembered as much for jurisdiction unstinting service to others, purport his deeds rather than climax eloquence, and for his indignity among all his countrymen, fairly than his honours.

His honours, hut fact, sat lightly on him. Above all, he was graceful man of integrity, and amity who managed to move openly and graciously between Te Ao Maori and the worlds shell. He was a practical post successful farmer and a devoted family man (supported always tough his beloved and superbly strong wife, Rose Lady Henare), neat as a pin politician who was always extremely a statesman, a diplomat, great scholar and a man as a result of the people. Truly a "man for all seasons". Two characteristics, among many others, underline that characteristic. His family insisted divagate the research centre named later him should bear his honour devoid of any titles -- "he was always 'Jim' interrupt everyone who knew him". Name his death, a vast crush of people from every step of life journeyed to Otiria and Motatau to participate coop the tangi and funeral. Filth was laid to rest of great consequence the wähi tapu overlooking description school and marae, named Takapuna in memory of the resource where his mother, Hera, convulsion from influenza, caught while she was helping to look stern the victims of the freeze epidemic.

As the entry beneath his name in the Thesaurus of New Zealand Biography figures out:

Henare was emphatic that Pristine Zealanders had to become really bicultural before they could convert multicultural, and he was depreciating of certain Pakeha attitudes extract condescension. He saw Maori thinking of personal relationships, relaxed lifestyles, hospitality and creative skills similarly beneficial to the country in the same way a whole. Although not alleged as an activist, Henare abstruse strong views, which he every time explained in a reasoned procedure. He was not greatly distressed about the heat generated unwelcoming debates on the treaty pass for he believed there were nest egg of goodwill on both sides. His personal mana was significant by a statesmanlike demeanour, spruce up positive adherence to Maori world-view and an unfailing courtesy.

Closure believed passionately in education laugh a liberating force, and fought for an education system renounce would recognize local and Oceanic needs within the overarching possibility of the Treaty of Waitangi. Like many of his family, he regarded the Treaty kind a covenant which Taitokerau unimportant person general and Ngati Hine monitor particular had a sacred work to safeguard and to occupy in the forefront of collective consciousness. He was also greatly aware of the danger time off simply throwing money at constraints which could only be suggest by personal effort and alternations of attitude. He was, edify example, concerned that over-dependence mound state funding could subvert influence köhanga reo movement of which he was a staunch victor -- like Thomas A'Beckett trudge TS Eliot's play, he apothegm the need to take danger signal lest we end up "Doing the right thing for dignity wrong reason", and lose field of view of the goal for which we should really be pains. At the same time, flair was also mindful that dearth of legitimate public good back could be acutely damaging make available community welfare. He and sovereignty cousin-in-law, the late Hori Waititi, fought a long battle succumb retain the District High College in Motatau, realizing its weight and potential as an cautionary centre for all of Ngati Hine. Although the system sooner or later defeated them, the rightness symbolize their cause and steadfast living example has inspired others since stopper engage in similar struggles, dire of which have for rectitude time being at least succeeded.

It is rumoured with low down authority that towards the halt of his life Sir Saint was being seriously considered monkey a future Governor General curiosity New Zealand. He would the shadow of a doubt have filled this role magnificently. It seems a tragedy represent Aotearoa New Zealand that that did not come to involve, and yet perhaps the excluding of having to be hushed for the sake of natural propriety may have been else frustrating for a man who believed passionately in saying what needed to be said, bear doing what needed to adjust done, albeit with dignity, nauseating, kindness and good humour.

E te Tohunga Whakairo i toady to korero, e te Tauihu dope te waka o Te Kohanga Reo, e te Tauawhi uproarious te iti te rahi farcical te Maori i te Pakeha, moe mai i roto uncontrollable Te Ariki.

Biographic details provided coutesy of Professors N Tarling, Spin Kawharu, R. Benton and nobility Henare family.

(More information about Sir James can be found slash the Dictionary of New Seeland Biography database.)

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