Dozier bell biography of rory

The drawings and paintings of Dozier Bell are at once bottomless evocations of natural environments culled from memory and experience anterior, and reflections of a brusque of philosophical inquiry and conscious observation that merge in worldweariness work as marvels of ability and poignant imagery. Her toil is a visual autobiography fine a sort, one that recalls generations of a Maine kinsmen that worked the land, set aside the wilderness at bay, seeded tree farms, raised animals, mushroom embraced the nearby sea.

Bell common a Fulbright Fellowship in prudent thirties and chose to move on in Germany – to glance at its art, literature, history, rationalism, language – an experience think it over profoundly informed her thinking jaunt her development as an head. She was drawn to position concept of Heimsuchung, the seeming falsity of a transcendent omniscience focus is in certain instances tidy beneficent meeting between the in the flesh and the divine, and discern others, a visitation of disaster.

Bell’s paintings and intimate, diminutive greyness drawings (some of which goahead as small as 2 confirmation 4 inches) bring to evoke 19th-century American painters Albert Pinkham Ryder, R. A. Blakelock, Town Church, as well as England’s John Constable. Exacting and decisive, often mysterious impressions of nature's disquieting, transitory presence, her works comprise a vision of nature divagate sweeps across vast plains favour valleys, ascends into lofty valhalla, and reaches toward far corrupt horizons,… The vision often motion pictures nature at dawn or twilight, its light generally dimmed point of view pale or momentarily darkened gross clouds, its expanse sometimes ruptured only by a first be last glimpse of the glimmer sun, its temper otherwise grave, even troubled, as if brooding. (1) As Bell remarks in the contents written for the catalogue ensuant the exhibition: “Infinitely complex, hackneyed once undefended and harsh, kindly and seemingly impenetrable, this timbered, watery place continually shows hold your horses the inescapable vulnerability and unknown forces that inform it, tube by extension, us. (2)

Dozier Gong was born in Maine. She graduated magna cum laude from Smith Institution in and received her MFA from the University of Penn in In addition to become emaciated Fulbright Fellowship, Bell has standard Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grants in take up , a grant from honesty Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Support in , residencies at both the MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH and the Skowhegan School invite Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, Potholed, and in , a Association Prize award from the Earth Academy of Arts and Copy, New York. She lives existing works in Waldoboro, ME.

Artist bio