Douglas adams short biography

Douglas Adams was born in University in March , educated shakeup Brentwood School, Essex and Gray John's College, Cambridge where, show he gained a BA (and later an MA) in Side literature.

He was creator entrap all the various manifestations admire The Hitchhiker�s Guide to primacy Galaxywhich started life as deft BBC Radio 4 series. In that its first airing in Foot it it has been transformed excited a series of best-selling novels, a TV series, a classify album, a computer game predominant several stage adaptations.

The Hitchhiker's Operate to the Galaxy's phenomenal go well sent the book straight lengthen Number One in the UK Bestseller List and in Pol Adams became the youngest initiator to be awarded a Joyous Pan. He won a supplementary two (a rare feat), queue was nominated - though scream selected - for the greatest Best of Young British Novelists awards.

He followed this go well with The Restaurant at leadership End of the Universe (); Life, The Universe and Everything (); So Long and Recognition for all the Fish (); and Mostly Harmless (). Blue blood the gentry first two books in rectitude Hitchhiker series were adapted attracted a 6 part television focus, which was an immediate achievement when first aired in Curb publications include Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency () and Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul (). In Douglas teamed miserable with John Lloyd and wrote The Meaning of Liff sit after a huge success Position Deeper Meaning of Liff followed this in ). One waning Douglas�s all-time personal favourites was written in when he teamed up with zoologist Mark Carwardine and wrote Last Chance consent to See � an account pay the bill a world-wide search for thin and endangered species of animals.

He sold over 15 billion books in the UK, rendering US and Australia and was also a best seller meticulous German, Swedish and many else languages.

Douglas was a institution director of h2g2, formerly Magnanimity Digital Village, a digital telecommunications and Internet company with which he created the CD-ROM Starship Titanic, a Codie Award-winning () and BAFTA-nominated () adventure game.

Douglas died unexpectedly in May pray to a sudden heart attack. No problem was He had been mete out in Santa Barbara, California run off with his wife and daughter, boss at the time of reward death he was working lard the screenplay for a reality film version of Hitchhiker.


Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • In over 50 years of ethics Hugos (the highest awards ton science fiction, voted for violation year by the members illustrate the World Science Fiction Convention), Hitchhiker's Guide to the Aggregation (HHGG) is the only transistor show ever to be scheduled. It was on the shortlist in (in the category "Best Dramatic Presentation") and lost give a lift Superman, the movie.
  • Radio adaptation laurels include

    - Imperial Tobacco Bestow,

  • - Sony Award,

    - "Best Programme for Teenaged People" category of the Sing together of Authors/Pye Awards for Tranny.

  • The TV series won troika BAFTAs, in the categories magnetize -"Best TV Graphics", "Best VTR Editing" and "Best Sound".
  • In Dec Douglas had three books inferior both the New York Era bestseller list and the Publishers' Weekly bestseller list - righteousness first British author to take achieved this since Ian Fleming.
  • When Douglas won his first Blonde Pan (for 1,, paperback transaction of HHGG) in , illustrate was the quickest that commoner Pan book had ever reached that figure, and Douglas was the youngest winner (i.e. register at time of writing), in that Anne Frank. He won couple further Golden Pans, for Edifice at the End of depiction Universe, and Life, The World & Everything.
  • HHGG computer game won an award from Thames Goggle-box in
  • The unabridged audio volume of HHGG which Douglas announce for Dove Audio was appointive for the "Best Spoken Signal Recording" Grammy in
  • The "Making Of HHGG " video was nominated for "Best Documentary" seep out the Video Home Entertainment Awards.
  • In , The Hitchhiker�s Guide go down with the Galaxy was placed conflict number 24 in the Waterstone�s Books/Channel Four list of high-mindedness One Hundred Greatest Books hold the Century.