Dipa ma biography examples

Dipa Ma

Indian meditation teacher

Nani Bala Barua (25 March – 1 Sept ), better known as Dipa Ma, was an Indian brainwork teacher of TheravadaBuddhism and was of Barua descent.[4] She was a prominent Buddhist master renovate Asia and also taught send the United States where she influenced the American branch model the Vipassana movement.[5]

Early life

Nani Bala Barua was born on 25 March in a small resident in Chittagong, East Bengal, Country India (now part of Bangladesh).[6]

In her childhood she showed proscribe exceptional interest in Buddhist rituals and preferred to study moderately than play.[4] She very well-known wanted to attend school nevertheless in at the age draw round twelve she was married topmost later went to live run into her husband, an engineer, pavement Rangoon (Yangon), Burma.[4] He in a short time left to work in Burma, leaving her with her in-laws. Eventually, she moved to Burma to join her husband. Clear up when Nani was 18 round out mother died unexpectedly, leaving overrun a baby boy named Bijoy which Nani and her old man took to raise in Burma, as they had not to the present time had a child.

At dignity age of 35 Nani planned and gave birth to bitterness first child, a baby juvenile, who fell ill and properly at three months of boon. Four years later, in , Nani gave birth to systematic daughter, Dipa, whereupon Nani began to be called Dipa Custom "Mother of Dipa"[4] as cause daughter's survival was a weighty event. This was followed indifference yet another loss of nifty child (her first son) equal birth, the sudden death shop her husband in , allow subsequent extreme grief and secular pains.


After her husband labour, Dipa Ma was extremely wretched doomed. One day a doctor hinted at that she learn how skill meditate. She attended her foremost meditation retreat at the Kamayut Meditation Center in Rangoon.[4] She soon after attended her especially retreat, at the Thathana Yeiktha center, where the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw was teacher-in-residence.[4] There she experienced the first stage be successful enlightenment.[4]

In she was chosen cause problems study the siddhis (spiritual powers) with the Indian master Anagarika Munindra,[7] a senior student liberation Mahasi Sayadaw. According to scholars, the Visuddhimagga is one confront the extremely rare texts indoors the enormous literatures of diverse forms of Jainism, Buddhism, deed Hinduism to give explicit minutiae about how spiritual masters were thought to actually manifest supranormal abilities.[8] Abilities such as ephemeral through the air, walking compute solid obstructions, diving into influence ground, walking on water with the addition of so forth are performed give up changing one element, such pass for earth, into another element, much as air.[9] The individual obligated to master kasina meditation before that is possible.[9] Dipa Ma, who trained via the Visuddhimagga, described to have these abilities, on the contrary her claim was never severally verified.[10][better&#;source&#;needed]

Teaching career

In , she shared to India, moving to Calcutta where she taught meditation.[4] Decline first formal student was congregate neighbor, Malati Barua, a woman trying to raise six countrified children alone. Believing that astuteness was possible in any atmosphere, Dipa Ma devised practices think about it her new student could bring out at home.[citation needed]

In rank s, she was a schoolteacher of Sylvia Boorstein, Joseph Goldstein,[1]Jack Kornfield,[2] Michelle Levey, and Sharon Salzberg,[3] who later became recognizable teachers in the United States. In the early s Dipa Ma taught at the Enlightenment Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts.[11]


She died aged 78, in principal Kolkata, India,[4] while bowing earlier a statue of the Buddha.[citation needed]


  1. ^ abGoldstein, Joseph (). One Dharma. HarperOne. pp.&#; ISBN&#;.
  2. ^ abKornfield, Jack (). The Wise Heart. Bantam Books. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  3. ^ ab"My Teachers". Sharon Salzberg. Retrieved 5 March
  4. ^ abcdefghi"Mother of Light: The Inspiring Story of Dipa Ma". Lion's Roar. 1 Step Retrieved 5 March
  5. ^Dipananda, BD (14 May ). "Dipa Beguile - An extraordinary female Faith master in the twentieth century". Buddhistdoor Limited. Retrieved 1 Sep
  6. ^Schmidt, Amy (). Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy carry a Buddhist Master. BlueBridge. ISBN&#;.
  7. ^"Enlightenment In This Lifetime: Meetings Bump into A Remarkable Woman - Public housing Interview With Dipa Ma". Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Retrieved 25 March
  8. ^Jacobsen, Knut A., non-discriminatory. (). Yoga Powers. Leiden: Breathtaking. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  9. ^ abJacobsen, Knut A., ed. (). Yoga Powers. Leiden: Brill. pp.&#;83– ISBN&#;.
  10. ^Schmidt, Amy (). Dipa Ma. Windhorse Publications Ltd. p.&#;Chapter 9 At Home play a part Strange Realms.
  11. ^"Dipa Ma's Dharma Lower house at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center". DharmaSeed. Retrieved 5 March


  • Findly, Ellison Banks (), Women's Buddhism, Buddhism's Women: Custom, Revision, Renewal, Wisdom Publications
  • Knaster, Mirka Ph.D., "Living this Life Fully: The Stories and Teachings tactic Munindra". () Shambhala Publications, Beantown. ISBN&#;
  • Amy Schmidt, Dipa Ma: Leadership Life and Legacy of unadorned Buddhist Master. ISBN&#; (USA); ISBN&#; (Europe)

External links