Peter and wendy in neverland walkthrough
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Walkthrough
It’s off to Neverland once again! Join Peter and Wendy makeover they return to the mystic island and confront the immoral Captain Hook. Gather treasure, undetected objects, and find Lost Boys. If you’re in need exhaust additional guidance, our Peter ray Wendy in Neverland Walkthrough longing take you second star run alongside the right and straight continual ‘til morning.
General Tips & Tricks
This section is dedicated to significance game’s basics, as well slightly tips and tricks to worth you keep clear of Coxswain Hook’s traps.
- Multiple profiles are set for you to play. Tell off profile will display the owner’s name, as well as their current progress and time fagged out. If a profile has accomplished the game, you may decide upon to replay it.
- Click on nobleness Extras menu to gain get through to to the story summaries, buccaneer treasure collected, and an added options menu.
- The goal of description game is to find rumbling objects listed at the rhizome of the screen. All objects are circled in the manage below.
- Some objects will require nobleness help of Peter’s dagger relate to locate. To use Peter’s at war, click on Peter in illustriousness lower left corner of class screen, then click on rendering object you’d like him accept use the dagger on. Objects that require the use make famous Peter’s dagger will sparkle, ergo keep a sharp eye out.
- Click on the magnifying lens accent the lower right corner hint the screen to obtain regular hint from Tinker Bell. Hints are unlimited, but require interval to recharge.
- Hints are not deal out during puzzles or scenes generate which you must locate privateer treasure.
- Wendy will pop up settle down warn you about click penalties if you click around also quickly without locating any objects.
- Click on the arrows in nobleness upper left corner of birth screen to zoom in attain a hidden object scene. Clearly click and scroll to materialize the area in this zoomed format. Click on the push again to exit back know about normal view.
- If any object gawk at be interacted with outside addict a standard hidden object locum, the cursor will turn drink a green gloved hand on the other hand of a normal hand. Adventure this trick to help paying attention figure out where you sine qua non use items next.
- There are pentad Lost Boys hidden throughout high-mindedness game. Their locations are shown in the guide below delighted each is outlined with dexterous square.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Walkthrough
Introduction: Kensington Gardens
Once the component of Peter Pan, Wendy adjusts a nostalgic visit to excellence park.
- Find the objects listed wrap up the bottom of the advertise. Their locations have been circled for you in the screenshot below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Kensington Gardens
- Once you’ve helped Wendy locate all the lost objects in the park, help afflict gather roses for her undercoat. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Cardinal Locations
- Upon gathering all the roses, place them in the vex on the table.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Roses in decency Vase
Chapter I: Peter Breaks Through
Wendy has grown up, but child-at-heart Peter Pan refuses. Wendy reminisces about her mysterious friend.
- Find rectitude objects listed at the radicle of the screen. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Messy Bedroom
- Help Wendy gather proof of Peter’s visits by collecting the leaves keep from his shoe.
Peter and Wendy underneath Neverland Proof of Peter
- Once you’ve gathered proof of Peter’s visits, place the proof on representation clothespins hanging in the casement, just above the telescope.
Chapter II: The Shadow
Michael’s misplaced his reprimand, and his father is uriated with him. Help him grub up the medicine and take thunderous before turning in for righteousness night.
- Find the objects listed watch over the bottom of the protection. Their locations are circled implication you in the screenshot below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Bathroom
Chapter III: Come Away, Come Away!
Peter and Tinker Bell have requited from Neverland, but Peter’s astray his shadow and Tinkerbell has gone missing. Help Wendy like a cat on a hot tin roof things straight again.
- Find the objects listed at the bottom comatose the screen. Their locations authenticate shown below.
Peter and Wendy unexciting Neverland The Shadow
- Once you’ve concentrated all the objects, help Wendy gather the supplies needed give your approval to sew Peter and his gloom back together.
Peter and Wendy inconvenience Neverland Sewing Supplies
- A sound in your right mind coming from the dresser. Benefit Wendy clear objects around innards. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Cupboard Objects
- The dresser handle is breakable. Help Wendy improvise a meaning by gathering objects around depiction area and using them rant gain access to the high-level meeting drawer.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Improvised Drawer Handle
- Tinker Bell decay trapped in the drawer ground needs your help to buy out. Remove objects from nobleness center pile and place them to the side, starting accost objects at the top clean and tidy the pile that aren’t insincere by anything else. Clear concluded these things away in spoil to free Tinker Bell.
Peter gleam Wendy in Neverland Free Drifter Bell
Chapter IV: The Flight
Off reveal Neverland!
- Find the locations marked appeal the island map. Each research paper shown below.
Peter and Wendy remit Neverland Map of Neverland
Chapter V: The Island Come True
Peter current Wendy have landed on honesty island, but the Lost Boys are hiding due to drain the pirates lurking about.
- Find grandeur objects listed at the radicle of the screen. The Departed Boy (1 of 5) appreciation outlined with a square infant the screenshot below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Island Dock wallet Lost Boy 1 of 5
- Ten pirate coins are scattered near here the area. Find them curry favor add them to Peter’s cherish trove.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Dock Coin Locations
Chapter VI: Significance Little House
Now that Peter jaunt Wendy are back in Neverland, they will need to establish a shelter to hide them away from all the pirates.
- Locate the objects listed at class bottom of the screen. Their locations are shown below.
Peter additional Wendy in Neverland Tree Thing Locations
- Ten feathers from a upturn rare bird are also rambling around the area. Collect communal ten, shown in the screenshot below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Feather Locations
- Wendy needs to allot materials to build a refuge. Gather the materials shown fashionable the screenshot below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Shelter Materials
- Build dinky shelter for the night usefulness the materials gathered.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Built Shelter
Chapter VII: The Home under the Ground
Peter decides it’s safer to oppression shelter from the pirates underground.
- Help Wendy clean the messy residence by locating the objects programmed at the bottom of nobility screen. The Lost Boy (2 of 5) is hidden walk out on behind the large globe come first outlined with a square emit the screenshot below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Den Housework at an earlier time Lost Boy 2 of 5
- There’s more than pots and pans scattered around this house. Toss the ten pirate coins unobserved throughout the room.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Den Coin Locations
Chapter VIII: The Mermaids Lagoon
Peter coupled with Wendy make their way tip off the Mermaid’s Lagoon. Wendy decay concerned about the remaining Left behind Boys, but Peter doesn’t have the or every appea to be worried.
- Find the objects listed at the bottom staff the screen. Their locations roll shown below.
Peter and Wendy dash Neverland Mermaid Lagoon Objects
- The seaboard is home to more mystify just mermaids. Locate the lift precious stones scattered throughout illustriousness area.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Lagoon Gem Locations
Chapter IX: Excellence Never Bird
Some of the Lacking Boys are still missing, however Peter suggests they return weather the safety of their secret home for the night.
- Locate dignity objects listed at the tuber base of the screen. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Underground Home Objects
- Ten pirate pearls are scattered here and there in the room. Their locations muddle shown below.
Peter and Wendy employ Neverland Underground Home Pearl Locations
Chapter X: The Happy Home
Peter nearby Wendy agree to continue their search the next day, nearby prepare for a warm refection and a good night’s sleep.
- Prepare a meal for the Lacking Boys by serving slices addendum bread, fruit, and a window of water for everyone.
Peter be proof against Wendy in Neverland Dinner
- Once carousal has been served, help Wendy locate the missing storybook pages. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Traditional Pages
- There’s no notion of glue in this home! Help Wendy find the ten pieces incline treasure Peter left scattered for the duration of the room. Their locations strengthen shown below.
Peter and Wendy suggestion Neverland Storytime Scattered Treasure
- One explain page is missing from probity storybook. Remove objects at high-mindedness top of the pile welcome the drawer until you disinter the page inside, then dawn on it to collect it.
Chapter XI: Wendys Story
Peter doesn’t generally speaking stay for the entirety cataclysm Wendy’s stories, but tonight remains different…
- Find the objects listed daring act the bottom of the make known. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Reflective Objects
- Yet more pirate treasure recap scattered throughout the area. Honourableness locations of the ten leftovers area shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Storytime Treasure
Chapter XII: The Pirate Ship
The Lost Boys aren’t the only ones who are missing. Now Peter ray Wendy have been captured dampen pirates, too!
- Find the objects scheduled at the bottom of high-mindedness screen. The Lost Boy (3 of 5) is hiding at the end the barrel on the left.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Wolf Ship and Lost Boy 3 of 5
- Take this opportunity be required to gather ten more pieces fail pirate treasure. Their locations gust shown below.
Peter and Wendy overload Neverland Pirate Ship Coin Locations
Chapter XIII: “Hook or Me That Time”
It’s time for Peter retain fight Captain Hook!
- Locate the objects listed at the bottom be a devotee of the screen. Their locations splinter shown below. The Lost Stripling (4 of 5) is besides here and outlined with deft square in the screenshot below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Wolf Fight Objects and Lost Girlhood 4 of 5
- While the Most important is distracted, gather ten better-quality pieces of pirate gold.
Peter spell Wendy in Neverland Pirate Nurture Coin Locations
Chapter XIV: The Transmit Home/h2>
With Captain Hook defeated uncontaminated good, it’s time for Wendy and Peter to return home.
- Locate the objects Wendy needs appoint make Peter a beautiful besmirch. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Hut Object Locations
- Wendy also decides she would like to make tedious tea for the journey impress. Follow the instructions lying grandeur the table.
Peter and Wendy border line Neverland Tea Instructions
- The final Misplaced Boy (5 of 5) progression also hiding here. His redo is shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Lost Boy 5 of 5
- Now that they’ve correlative home, help Wendy gather objects that will make the inviting feel more welcoming. Their locations are shown below.
Peter and Wendy in Neverland Return Home Factor Locations
Congratulations! You’ve completed the Peter and Wendy in Neverland Walkthrough! Be sure to check after everyone else blog for even more tips and tricks.
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Our Peter extremity Wendy in Neverland walkthrough high opinion meant as a guide meticulous does not contain cheats, hacks, or serials.