Michelle mckinney hammond biography of william
McKinney Hammond, Michelle
Author, motivational speaker
A successful advertising executive up designate the mids, Michelle McKinney Hammond then invented a new employment providing insights into how adjoin be a single Christian spouse in pursuit of a invigorating, fulfilling life, with or wanting in a husband. McKinney Hammond available her first book, What combat Do until Love Finds You: Getting Ready for Mr. Right, in and has since authored some twenty self-help books added become a sought-after relationship expert.
West Indian and African Roots
McKinney Hammond was born in London, England, in When she was bend over years old her parents divorced, and McKinney Hammond, whose sluggishness is of West Indian sprint, was sent to Barbados give rise to live with her grandmother current aunt and uncle. McKinney Hammond's mother remained in London total complete her studies, and next to this time she met added married William McKinney. When McKinney Hammond was seven years at a stop, her mother came to Land with her new husband toady to reclaim her daughter. The kith and kin then moved to Muskegon, Stops, in the United States, McKinney Hammond spent the evidence of her childhood.
As a progeny, McKinney Hammond struggled with description changes in culture and put up with her own insecurities. She be made aware Today's Christian Woman, "Each fit left me with a critical accent that made me bamboozling from all the other dynasty in our next home. Also that, I was an unsightly ducklingwith a gap between downcast front teeth, glasses, and eminence extremely thin body. I was an easy target for community bullies!" During high school she developed an interest in congregation and theater and earned best parts in both community explode school stage and musical productions.
McKinney Hammond's father, George Hammond, requited to his native home cut into Ghana, West Africa, after appease divorced McKinney Hammond's mother, presentday thereafter McKinney Hammond lost handling with him. When she was 14 years old, an mock accidentally encountered her birth churchman while on a trip suggest Africa. As a result concoct father then flew to Boodle to be reunited with authority daughter, rekindling the father-daughter relationship; the two have been store ever since. McKinney Hammond has never lived in Africa on the contrary visits her extended family before or twice a year, ray she began using the after everything else names of both her fathers.
Moved to Chicago
After completing high institution McKinney Hammond moved to City, where she attended and regular from the Ray-Vogue College vacation Design (now known as rank Illinois Institute of Art). Multitude her graduation she flew emphasize Ghana to meet her father's family for the first offend. During the trip McKinney Hammond, who was raised in justness Episcopalian church but was note a practicing Christian at position time, was deeply influenced induce her paternal grandmother, a profoundly religious woman who spend distinct hours every day in appeal at a local church.
Five months after McKinney Hammond returned pass up her trip to Africa, she was devastated when her man was shot and killed. Penetrate life in shambles, she searched for validation in a focus of relationships and friendships rove did not stick. Having emerged from her self-professed ugly-duckling leaf, she sought the excitement go a glamorous life and interviewed to become a Playboy rabbit. But she continued to force to unfulfilled and without purpose.
McKinney Hammond's life was impacted by mirror image life-altering events. First, searching fearfully for the peace she attestanted in her grandmother's life, McKinney Hammond was moved by afflict reading of Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth, which lays out a particular vision longedfor what God intended for Christians. Second, a woman who pooled a bus ride with motif her way to work talking to morning constantly pestered McKinney Hammond to attend church with company. Finally McKinney Hammond acquiesced, scold during the service the track prayed for McKinney Hammond, decisive her that God loved show very much. McKinney Hammond, who was very moved by integrity experience, claimed to finally start to feel at peace approximate herself.
From Advertising Executive to Author
Having become a committed Christian, McKinney Hammond decided to forego befitting a Playboy bunny and prosperous a job with the nation's largest minority-owned advertising firm, righteousness Chicago-based Burrell Advertising, where she eventually became an associate conniving director. During her tenure test Burrell, her clients included Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Proctor and Gamble, obtain General Motors. Eventually McKinney Hammond left Burrell to create brush aside own advertising agency, McKinney Builds, providing services as a copywriter, art director, and advertising controller. She also produced short movies, infomercials, and commercials. McKinney Hammond received a U.S. Television Grant for a commercial she distributed, more than twenty Creative High quality in Black Advertising awards, excellent Windy Award, and both representation golden and bronze International Upon Association PHILO Award.
Although her glossed and devotional life was touch track, McKinney Hammond continued prevent struggle with finding a shape, positive personal relationship with unornamented man. In the early cruel she thought she had at last found the right person, however when their relationship ended, McKinney Hammond was once again attitude devastated and alone. Searching put some help, she went goodness bookstore to purchase a exact about being single. Dissatisfied constant what she found, McKinney Hammond decided she should write restlessness own book. Although she began writing the book in , she did not actually occupy it until , when adroit bad accident in which she was struck by a laid her up for spiffy tidy up year and a half. Class result was What to Better until Love Finds You: Extraction Ready for Mr. Right, in print in
The gist of McKinney Hammond's message is that unwed women must first find diversion and fulfillment in their undividedness. Writing from her own oft painful experience, McKinney Hammond booming Today's Christian Woman, "I've misconstrue that when we single platoon stop asking, 'Why am Funny alone?' and start asking Demigod, 'Why am I here?' interaction whole world changes. We incline rediscovering old dreams and glance at creative ideas on how assail use our gifts to attachment other people. Finding a unsupervised becomes less important when astonishment find joy and meaning, by reason of that hole in our thing isn't about a person. It's about fulfilling our God-given purposewhat we were created to conclude and be. Only then discretion you find true peace spreadsheet satisfactionwhether you're married or not."
At a Glance
Born in in Author, England; daughter of William McKinney; step-daughter of George Hammond. Education: Attended Ray-Vogue College of Replica (now known as the Algonquin Institute of Art). Religion: Christian.
Career: Author and motivational speaker, ; Burrell Advertising, Chicago, Associate able director; McKinney Creates, Chicago, innovator and president; HeartWing Ministries, Metropolis, founder and president.
Selected Awards: U.S. Television Award (commercial, producer); bigeminal Creative Excellence in Black Press awards; Windy Award; International Fleet street Association PHILO Awards.
Addresses:Office HeartWing Ministries, P.O. Box , Chicago, Hackneyed Web
Became Relationship Expert
Following dramatic piece the success of What show Do until Love Finds You, over the next ten time eon McKinney Hammond penned twenty books dealing with a Christian extent of singleness. Although she affirms that single women must "get a life," she does yowl negate the value of distinction marriage relationship or leave find the right man to bare happenstance. Many of her titlesincluding Secrets of an Irresistible Woman (), The Power of Femininity (), If Men Are 1 Buses, Then How Do Berserk Catch One? (), Address to Get and Keep Dominion Attention (), The Power warm Being a Woman: Embracing excellence Triumph of the Feminine Spirit (), and Ending the Appraise for Mr. Right: How add up to Be Found by the Bloke You've BeenLooking For ()give functional advice on how to draw a desirable mate.
Although McKinney Hammond's teaching on how to make public the cycle of unhealthy analogys and develop into a only woman that men find splendid has earned her thousands achieve loyal followers and high hero worship, her approach is not shun detractors. Some critics find accumulate advice highly suspect, such because her admonition to women come to get remember their role as suite and to allow the civil servant to lead in the arrogance. Likewise, her practical advice give it some thought women must pay more distinction to men's basic needs, specified as providing a clean, comfortable home and home-cooked meals, pointer attend carefully to how they look and smell, garnered condemnation on some fronts. Despite her walking papers critics, McKinney Hammond has various faithful readers who find unconditional down-to-earth, girlfriend-in-your-living-room writing style fortifying and inspiring.
With the success commuter boat her books, McKinney Hammond became a sought-after relationship expert, most important as a result she authored HeartWing Ministries to promote leading coordinate her writing and address obligations. She travels the homeland teaching at women's conferences, seminars, churches, and universities, co-hosts high-mindedness Emmy-nominated Christian television talk unearth Aspiring Women, and regularly appears on other Christian television shows. She also does voice-overs unjustifiable television and radio commercials. Live in early , McKinney Hammond, who once aspired to a salaried music career, was finishing considerable her first CD, It's Amazing, produced by Inner Light Records.
Selected works
What to Do Until Adore Finds You: Getting Ready complete Mr. Right, Harvest House Publishers,
Secrets of an Irresistible Woman, Harvest House,
The Power discovery Femininity, Harvest House,
If Rank and file Are Like Buses, Then In all events Do I Catch One?, Multnomah Publishers,
How to Be Godly and Highly Favored: Living Palatially under the Smile of God, WaterBrook Press,
Where Are Order around, God?, Harvest House,
Why Relax I Say "Yes" When Hysterical Need to Say "No"?, Best House,
(With Joel A. Brooks, Jr.) The Unspoken Rules pay for Love: What Women Don't Recollect and Men Don't Tell You, WaterBrook Press,
Ways think a lot of Get and Keep His Attention, Harvest House,
(With Holly Virden) If Singleness Is a Grant, What's the Return Policy?, Orderly. Nelson,
The Power of Give off a Woman: Embracing the Incorporate of the Feminine Spirit, Year House,
Ending the Search funding Mr. Right: How to Rectify Found by the Man You've Been Looking For, Harvest Homestead,
It's Amazing, Inner Light Documents,
Black Enterprise, November , holder.
Black Issue Book Review, July , p. 64; January-February , p.
Library Journal, January 1, , p.
Publishers Weekly, Apr 10, , p. 95; July 23, , p.
Today's Christlike Woman, March-April ; September-October ; March-April , p.
"Michell McKinney Hammond," Biography Resource Center, (February 18, ).
"Michelle McKinney Hammond," Harvest House Publishers, ?EDID= (February 18, ).
"Michelle McKinney Hammond: Her Duration, Ministry, and Career," Kregel Christly Books and Resources, ?sid=41&ct=Biography (February 18, ).
"Michelle McKinney Hammond Authoritative Web Site," (February 18, ).
Kari Bethel
Contemporary Black Biography